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5 Ways You Can Help Build Gross Motor Skills of Your Child

Helping a child develop gross motor skills in early childhood is vital for their healthy growth. That’s because gross motor skills are primarily the skills that are necessary to carry out most body movements, like walking, running, coordinating, or maintaining a balance. For the uninitiated, these skills refer to the ability of large muscle groups to build coordination and involve active movements of the torso, arms, and legs. Today, in this article below, we at Apple Blossom, one of the best preschools in palamvihar, are sharing with you a few ways you can try at home to actively contribute to improving your child’s motor skills. So, let’s read on without any further ado.

Encourage Active Play

As a parent, you should ensure that your child doesn’t sit in the same position for hours glued to a TV or mobile screen. It is essential that kids actively engage in playful activities that involve plenty of body movements. You can ask them to play outside with their friends. Even simple activities like running, throwing, jumping, climbing, etc., can significantly help improve their gross motor skills.

The crux is to keep them moving and not let them sit in the same position for long. At Apple Blossom, we ensure all kids are actively engaged in activities deemed helpful for developing gross motor skills. If you too ensure that your kids remain active at home, it’ll help a great deal in strengthening their gross motor skills.

Involve Them in Basic Yoga Sessions

One of the best ways to naturally enhance a child’s motor skills is by encouraging them to engage in activities, such as yoga, that promote balance, flexibility, and coordination. Yoga is a healthy way to make them stretch their muscles and bring them all together for action.

You can start with beginner-friendly yoga sessions at home that are ideal for little kids. While hiring a yoga teacher or sending them to yoga classes would be best, you can also teach them some basic yoga poses from the internet.

Help Them Develop an Outdoor Activity Habit

Children are naturally curious in their early childhood days and pick up habits real quick. But you have to ensure your kids pick up healthy habits. One practical and most effective way to promote their motor skills is by making them involved in daily outdoor activities.

Enroll them in skating classes, teach them cycling, or involve them in any playground activity. The more physically engaged they are, the faster will their motor skills develop. At Apple Blossom, we allocate extra time to playground activities that improve their balance, coordination, strength, etc., while ensuring they have a good time.

Make Them Dance

If you want your kids to move their body and build their gross motor skills, get them enrolled in freestyle dancing classes. This dance form promotes an unstructured yet fun way to move their body while building endurance. You can also choose to sign them up for a different dance style. While dancing is a great stress buster that can help improve gross motor skills, integrating music into the activity also helps stimulate the brain for better results.

Martial Arts Classes

An effective way to develop strength in your kid’s arms and legs is by letting them perform martial arts. Kicking, punching, grappling, and other actions help build their core muscle groups. Regular practicing can help kids improve their balance and, eventually, their overall gross motor skills. Martial arts can also help kids diagnosed with ADHD, so you shouldn’t think twice about its effectiveness.


If a child’s motor skills aren’t developed, they can experience difficulty performing day-to-day activities. Gross motor skills are also tied to other crucial development areas, like cognitive development, social skills, etc. This is why we at Apple Blossom, one of the best preschools in palamvihar, engage our students in activities that help them improve their overall gross motor skills, and you, as parents, should too!


Growing Social Skills: Nurture Over Nature With Love And Care At Apple Blossom School In Palam Vihar

To share is to care – a guide for parents.

Sharing is the way to go, kiddos! It’s a great way to help build those all-important skills like cooperation, empathy and responsibility. Plus, it shows everyone has something special to give – an essential life lesson for their growth and development. So don’t forget why sharing is important before you start encouraging it in your home!

Sharing is an important skill to teach and instill in our children. As parents, it’s essential to know the right time and place for your child to practice sharing. The ability to share can be a great way for children of all ages to gain empathy and learn how they want others around them treated. best playschool in palam vihar When teaching kids about sharing, think beyond toys; allow them opportunities within their everyday routine—such as at mealtime or when playing games together—to develop healthy habits that prioritize good behavior over materialistic possessions.

Teaching kids to share is about more than just helping them understand the importance of generosity. It also provides an opportunity for parents to create healthy habits through positive reinforcement. Consistent praise, verbal cues and physical rewards like a hug or high-five can help reinforce your expectations and guide children towards making sharing a habit they enjoy doing on their own. Kids usually respond best when this type of reward system is connected with fun activities — like playing board games together as a family or hosting friends over for dinner — that strengthen social ties while instilling in them the value of collaboration and respect for others’ belongings.

The blossoming of sharing – activities for kids.

‘Grow’ your knowledge with garden sharing! Gardening is a wonderful way for kids to explore and understand their environment, as it introduces them to the beauty of nature. Garden sharing is all about teaching children how they can contribute back to nature – by planning, planting and nurturing a variety of plants. With this activity, not only will they gain an understanding of sustainability but also develop skills such as teamwork and responsibility.

Sharing crafts and music can be a great way for kids to express themselves, build relationships and even gain insight into different cultures. It is important that children understand the value of sharing as it allows them to learn new skills, foster creativity and help each other in times of need. Crafts like drawing or painting can teach young minds how to think creatively while also providing opportunities for collaboration between peers; sharing musical instruments offers an avenue for self-expression and growth in critical thinking. In addition, through sharing cultural music with one another around the world, kids will become more familiar with their own history as well as others’ backgrounds which helps develop a broader understanding of our shared humanity.

One of the best ways to encourage children to think about sharing is by engaging them in games that increase awareness and empathy. Kids learn best when they are playing and having fun, so hosting activities such as ‘The Sharing Game’ or ‘Passing it On’ can be beneficial in teaching kids about kindness, generosity and compassion. For instance, The Sharing Game involves giving out cards with different items on them which players must then cooperate together to share between each other – this helps teach cooperation skills while also demonstrating the value of camaraderie among peers.

A caring heart is a happy heart – community service ideas for children.

Children can often underestimate the power of their contributions to local charities and causes. Helping others in need is a great way for them to learn about compassion, empathy and service; all qualities that lead to positive development and growth as they grow up. By encouraging children to get involved with local charities, you will be demonstrating how each individual effort can make a difference when combined with other likeminded individuals working together towards common goals – ultimately creating happier hearts through shared acts of generosity! Furthermore, it’s also an easy way for kids (of all ages) to connect the “why” behind why we do what we do – it’s not just about doing good deeds, but rather understanding the joy one gets from doing something so meaningful.

Teaching kids the importance of showing compassion for others is an important part of fostering a caring heart. Parents and adults can do their part to lead by example, setting a good example for children to follow. Find opportunities that allow your child to show kindness and empathy towards those in need such as visiting elderly neighbors, helping out at soup kitchens or shelters, or assisting local charities. Spending time with family members who are less fortunate than you may also be beneficial in teaching empathy as well as expressing gratitude for what they have. Additionally, provide your child with educational materials on different cultures so they understand diversity better – this will help them develop a deeper understanding and respect when engaging with those outside their own culture.

Teaching children the value of giving back to their community through school-based service projects and volunteerism opportunities is an important part of their development. Encouraging involvement in these activities not only helps build empathy, but also creates a sense of satisfaction that can be carried throughout life. Ideas range from helping with food or clothing drives at local shelters to participating in beach cleanup initiatives or outdoor beautification efforts around your neighborhood.

Palam vihar’s best side – why apple blossom school is the right choice for your child’s education?

At Apple Blossom School in Palam Vihar, we strive to create an environment that is both creative and caring. We believe each child can reach their full potential through a structure which fosters intellectual growth with freedom of spirit. To achieve this, the school has invested in several programs such as music classes and art projects designed to encourage students to express themselves freely while learning valuable skills. Additionally, our teachers are committed not only to teaching academics but also instilling values of respect for others and appreciation for diversity among their students.

At Apple Blossom School, every child is given a plethora of opportunities to explore and grow. With an emphasis on experiential learning, children gain skills by getting involved in various activities. Through such innovative methods of teaching, each child is nurtured to develop the independence and confidence needed for life-long learning.

At Apple Blossom School in Palam Vihar, we recognize that experiential learning is an essential part of a child’s development. The ethos of our school has been tailored so that each student can learn values such as kindness, cooperation and respect through hands-on experiences. This is implemented through projects involving the local community or field trips to places relevant to course content; given the appropriate opportunity any child can comprehend abstract concepts like empathy in real-life scenarios.

Making kindness count: how to encourage and reward generous behaviors in children?

Encouraging kindness in children is easier than you think. best playschool in palam vihar Start by rewarding them with badges of honor, like certificates or medals to recognize their generous behavior and kind actions. Give out awards for big events such as helping a neighbor or completing a service project, but also remember to reward small acts of kindness day-to-day—like offering up the last cookie from the jar without being asked.

Praising a child for their generous behaviors is an incredibly effective tool in creating a kinder generation. Rather than rewarding tangible goods, affirming generous acts through verbal recognition can have just as much impact and encourages kindness more than anything else. It’s important to shine the spotlight on positive actions when they occur, rather than focusing strictly on bad behavior.

Kindness doesn’t know any age boundaries – everyone benefits from it, young and old alike! To help foster this concept, families can come up with simple acts of kindness that all ages can participate in. This could include anything from sending a card to a nursing home resident to having an elderly neighbor over for dinner. Each family member should also be encouraged to perform one act of kindness a day on their own independently of the family’s shared activities.


In conclusion, teaching children how to share and care is one of the most important life lessons we can give them. Through a combination of activities, conversations and experiences, parents can create an environment that encourages these two traits in their child. The Apple Blossom School in Palam Vihar stands out for its commitment to nurturing values like sharing and caring among kids through community service projects as well as classroom activities.


How To Help Your Child Get – And Stay – Organised.

Establish a consistent routine for your child.

Establishing a regular bedtime and wake up time is an important step in creating a consistent routine for your child. Aim to keep the same sleep schedule every day, even on weekends or days off from school. Keeping this consistency will help your child’s body adjust to their new routine and feel more rested during the day. Set a reasonable bedtime that allows for 8-10 hours of sleep each night, depending on age, as well as an appropriate wakeup time so they can get ready for school or other activities without feeling rushed in the morning.

Maintaining consistent meal and snack times throughout the day is an important part of establishing a routine for your child. Ensuring that meals and snacks are eaten at the same time each day helps to give structure to your child’s diet, helping them develop healthy eating habits. It also gives them something familiar to look forward to during their busy days! When planning out meal times, consider what works best for you and your family’s schedule – some families may prefer having three larger meals with two smaller snacks in between; others may choose five smaller meals or just three balanced ones. Whatever you decide on, be sure that it provides enough fuel throughout the day so they can focus on learning activities or playing with friends without feeling hungry every few hours! Additionally, try incorporating healthier options into their menu such as fresh fruits or vegetables instead of processed foods like chips or candy bars which offer little nutritional value.

Creating a weekly cleaning routine for your child is an important part of establishing structure and consistency. Cleaning up after themselves helps children develop healthy habits that can last into adulthood. Start by teaching them the basics, such as sorting their dirty laundry, organizing their toys and tidying up the home environment. Make it fun by playing games or giving rewards to motivate them in completing certain tasks. Set aside some time each week to go through closets, drawers and other areas of the house with your child so they can learn how to properly put things away in an organized manner. 

Create designated spaces and areas for work, play, and storage.

Creating a designated workspace for studying and completing school work is essential for children to succeed in their studies. Providing an organized area free from distractions can help kids focus on their tasks and improve concentration. It’s important to set up the workspace with everything needed, such as books, stationery, art supplies etc., so they don’t have to keep getting up during study time. Keep the desk clutter-free by providing storage solutions like shelves or drawers where items can be stored away when not in use. Also make sure that there are enough natural light sources available if possible since this helps reduce eye strain while working on screens or reading materials at night time. 

Creating designated areas for play in the home is an important way to ensure that children have a safe and enjoyable space where they can express their creativity. A playroom or art corner provides a great way to give your kids their own personal space, while also allowing you to easily monitor and supervise them. When planning out the area, think about what activities your child enjoys — such as reading, drawing, building with blocks or playing dress-up — and make sure you provide enough room for those activities. Additionally be sure to include comfortable seating options like bean bags or cushions so that your little ones can relax after all of their hard work! With proper planning this special area will quickly become one of the most beloved places in your home.

Storage solutions are essential for keeping the home organized and clutter-free. Shelves, bins and boxes can be used to store toys, books, games and other items in an orderly fashion. By using shelves with adjustable height levels, it is easy to display a variety of objects while also avoiding any mess or disorganization. Bins help keep small items contained in one location rather than scattered throughout the house; they come in various sizes so that everything from dolls to Legos can be kept together neatly. Boxes are great for storing larger items such as board games; lids ensure contents remain secure when not being used or during a move between homes.

Implement family rules that encourage organization and responsibility.

One of the most important steps in teaching children to be organized and responsible is to establish clear rules and expectations for organization. This means that each member of the family should have a set routine for their daily tasks, such as making beds, cleaning up after meals, putting away toys or books when finished with them. It also means having designated areas in which items are kept and having a system for labeling where they go so everyone knows where things belong. Setting ground rules can help create an orderly environment at home by reducing clutter caused by misplaced items or disorganized spaces. 

Creating deadlines for completing tasks can help to encourage your child’s organizational skills and responsibility. It is important to set realistic expectations that are appropriate for your child’s age and abilities, while still holding them accountable. Make sure they understand what is expected of them by providing a detailed explanation of the task at hand, as well as any necessary steps or tools needed to complete it. Then provide a timeline with specific dates when each step should be completed by in order to meet the final deadline. Offer gentle reminders leading up to these deadlines if needed, but make sure you praise or reward positive behaviors when they follow through on their responsibilities in an organized manner. 

Rewarding your child for following through with their organizational responsibilities is a great way to encourage them to stay organized and be responsible. This can include small rewards such as verbal praise, or larger ones like extra screen time or a treat. It’s important that the reward matches the effort they put in so they understand that organization is beneficial and should be taken seriously. Make sure you set clear expectations of what needs to be done before any rewards are given, such as cleaning up their room, doing homework on time or completing chores correctly by deadline. 

Use reminders to jog your child’s memory about tasks or activities that need to be completed in a timely manner.

When it comes to getting your child to remember tasks or activities that need to be done in a timely manner, visual reminders are one of the most effective tools. Using simple items such as sticky notes, wall calendars, clocks and whiteboards can help jog your child’s memory when it comes to completing their obligations on time. Place reminders around the house where they will be seen regularly and make sure they understand what each reminder is asking them to do. Depending on the task you want them reminded of, use photos or drawings if necessary so that there is no confusion about what needs doing.

Using a digital reminder system can be an effective way to ensure that your child completes tasks in a timely manner. A digital reminder system can help jog their memory about upcoming tasks and activities, such as homework assignments or after-school activities. To set up this type of system, you may wish to utilize apps on your phone or computer that allow for scheduled reminders. You could also try setting up alarms at certain times throughout the day that remind them of what needs to be done when it’s time for them to get started on it. 

Creating a reward system is an effective way to motivate your child to complete tasks in a timely manner. Depending on the age of your child, you can establish rewards that will be most appealing and motivating for them such as allowing them extra screen time, giving compliments or verbal praise, or providing simple treats. Setting up this reward system should include predetermined goals and expectations that are achievable but not necessarily easy so they have something to strive for. You can also make sure these goals vary from day-to-day so there is some variety and interest involved with the task completion at hand. 

Teach organizational skills such as time management, task prioritization, and goal-setting.

Teaching time management is an important skill for children to master. It can help them better manage their time and prioritize tasks, allowing them to achieve more in less time. Start by teaching your child the importance of setting realistic goals and sticking to a schedule. Help them create a plan for completing tasks on-time, as well as how long it takes for different activities or items on their agenda. 

To help your child learn good time management skills, it is important to encourage them to set limits for different tasks and activities. By setting time limits, they can focus on their work better and have a clearer idea of how much effort they need to put into a task or activity. Explain that by having an estimate of how long things will take, it can be easier for them to plan ahead when scheduling activities or deciding when certain tasks should be done. Encourage your child not only set realistic goals but also break down larger projects into smaller chunks so that the task does not become overwhelming in terms of its duration or complexity.

Learning how to create a plan and stick to it is an essential skill for any child. It helps them stay organized, on track, and productive. To help your child master this skill, start by having them identify their goals. Have them list out the steps they need to take in order to achieve those goals. Help guide your little one through creating a timeline with milestones or deadlines in order for them to reach their goal within a certain time frame if applicable.

It is important to show your children that managing their time effectively is essential for success. Modeling good time-management skills helps them understand the importance of this skill, and why it should be a priority. Start by setting realistic goals and expectations for yourself, such as creating daily or weekly objectives. Show them how you plan out your day in order to stay on track with these goals and tasks at hand, including taking regular breaks throughout the day so you don’t become overwhelmed or burned out. 

Task prioritization is an important skill for children to learn. Teaching them how to prioritize tasks can help them become more organized and efficient in their daily lives. Start by helping your child understand the concept of urgency versus importance when it comes to task prioritization – some tasks are more urgent, while others may be less time-sensitive but still have a high importance level. Show your child how breaking down larger tasks into smaller, manageable parts can make the process easier and quicker for completing each activity efficiently. Guide them through the process of properly scheduling activities according to their priority so that they don’t get overloaded with too many things at once or forget important deadlines/events that need attention first before other ones come up later on in life.

Prioritizing tasks is an important skill for children to learn in order to stay organized and efficient. Teaching your child how to prioritize tasks based on urgency or importance can help them manage their time more effectively and reduce stress levels. Explain the concept of task prioritization, such as what it means, why it’s important, and how they can do it. Show them examples of different types of tasks that require varying levels of urgency or importance so they understand the differences between each one.

Breaking down larger tasks into smaller, more manageable parts is an important skill for children to learn. By breaking up a large task into smaller components, it makes the process less overwhelming and easier to tackle. It also helps them focus on one part at a time while having the big picture in mind. To do this effectively, encourage your child to make lists of each step they need to take towards completing the task – this will help them stay organized and focused on achieving their goal. 

It is important to teach children how to properly schedule tasks according to their priority. This will help them become more organized and efficient in completing tasks. To do this, explain the importance of organizing tasks into categories based on urgency or importance level; for example, urgent tasks should be completed first followed by less urgent but still important ones. Help your child create a plan for tackling these different categories of task each day, week or month according to need and availability of time. Show them that there are certain things they can do in advance so that when it comes time for the task at hand it can easily be accomplished with little stress and effort involved. 

Seek out additional learning opportunities like the best playschools in palam vihar to help your child develop their organizational skills further

When looking for the best playschool in Palam Vihar, it is important to do your research. Start by asking friends and family if they have any recommendations or experiences with local schools. Next, look online for reviews of different schools and compare their offerings. Consider factors such as location, curriculum, class size, teacher-student ratios and more when making a decision about which school would be the best fit for your child’s needs.

When looking for a best playschool in Palam Vihar, consider the activities and classes it offers to help your child develop their organizational skills. Look for programs that specialize in teaching time management and task prioritization, as these are critical abilities necessary to succeed both academically and professionally. Ask if the school provides group or individual projects that help children practice organizing information into tasks they can manage efficiently. Additionally, look for opportunities such as workshops or seminars on organization skills offered at the school so your child can gain an understanding of how they work together with other students while managing their own responsibilities. Finally, make sure there is plenty of support available from teachers who understand how best to help children learn organizational techniques like goal setting and problem solving strategies.

Extracurricular activities such as sports, music, and art are a great way to help your child develop their organizational skills. By participating in these activities, children can learn how to manage their time better and prioritize tasks. Sports teach discipline and the importance of goal setting while music helps with memory recall and strengthening concentration. Art classes can also be beneficial for developing organizational skills by teaching them how to plan ahead effectively when creating artwork or following directions from others accurately when working on group projects. All in all, extracurricular activities provide an excellent opportunity for children to become more organized by learning valuable life lessons that will stay with them long into adulthood.


Organizing your child’s life can be a challenge, but it is worth the effort. By establishing a consistent routine, creating designated areas and spaces for work and play, implementing family rules that encourage responsibility and organization, using reminders to jog your child’s memory about tasks or activities that need to be completed in a timely manner, teaching organizational skills such as time management and task prioritization; you can help them stay organized. Additionally seeking out additional learning opportunities like the best playschools in Palam Vihar will help further develop their organizational skills.


Managing the Menace of Screens

We all know that nowadays, most kids find entertainment through digital media. It comes in many guises, such as television, computers, smartphones, tablets, etc. But, as responsible parents, you must ensure that you regulate your child’s viewing experience. Why? It may have damaging effects in the long run, such as sleeping disorders, obesity, increased stress on the eyes, lack of social development, etc. So how would you keep them safe? Today, in this article below, we, at Apple Blossom, one of the best preschools in Palam Vihar, will shed light on how to successfully manage the screen time of your kids without letting any drama or tantrums to seep in. Read on.

Manage, But Don’t Eliminate!

No matter how much you wish to take the screens off your children’s reach and try to uproot digital entertainment from their lives, one thing is for sure – it isn’t going to be easy! They will rebel and may also become insubordinate and moody. Keep in mind that digital entertainment is precious to them, and blotting it out will prove counterproductive. Hence, we have a few suggestions in this regard, which will help you navigate the issue in a better way:

  • Encourage extracurricular activities:

Extracurricular activities offer an easy solution to distract kids from digital screens. These may include participating in sports, learning a musical instrument, taking drawing classes, etc. They may even unearth talents that’ll steer them toward new hobbies they’ll enjoy and be passionate about. The trick will be to encourage them by showing examples of people who’ve built successful careers through such activities. But remember, you’ll have to get through to them by connecting on a personal level rather than forcing it.

  • Set a time limit for screens:

Setting time limits is essential to finding balance in children’s lives. Thus, you must limit the time they spend in front of screens. This act will instill discipline in them. To do this, keep an eye out for how much homework they have and how much time they will take to complete their household chores. Only then, set the time limit for their TV time, computer, etc. However, ensure they don’t spend more than one to one-and-a-half hours on digital screens, or your efforts will prove counterproductive.

  • Remain firm about the bedtime routine:

In this Golden Age of streaming services, it is easy to get lost among the wonderful shows and movies on such platforms. Thus, it is important that you remain firm about following the bedtime routine and don’t fall for the digital trap. If you allow them to stay up late regularly, they may feel tired the next day, and this will hamper their progress.

  • Discuss the reality of commercials:

We all know commercials often advertise products for kids that are glamorous to look at but may be harmful to them. However, being young, they don’t know this; they only see the glamour. So, what can you do to avoid buying harmful products for them? Try to make them understand the reality so they realize that their demands are unwarranted. They might throw tantrums, but they’ll listen if you manage the situation tactfully. Just don’t lose your cool, or else they’ll act out in unsavory ways.

  • Teach them to turn off the device themselves:

The object of this practice is not merely to limit the electricity bill but to instill self-discipline in children. You see, we have already mentioned that these days, there are various things on digital screens that are too tempting to resist. As soon as one ends, another starts that is equally riveting. The next show might catch their attention and become an unnecessary distraction if they don’t turn it off immediately. Hence, you’re nipping the problem in the bud by teaching them to turn it off right in time.

Parting Words for You to Consider

At Apple Blossom, ranked among the best preschools in Palam Vihar, we firmly believe that digital technology can be a boon if used aptly but doesn’t take time in turning to a bane if we lack control over it. While you, as parents, can understand this, your little ones are just too naïve to understand that! Thus, as a parent, it is your responsibility to ensure you don’t let the digital boon turn into a bane for your kids.

Having said that, if you see, it is actually not the screens that’s the problem; the real problem lies in kids lacking discipline and the necessary knowledge. But there’s nothing to worry about! That’s because young age is the best time in life for habit forming. Thus, make your kids aware of the basic do’s and don’ts of screen usage, and remain firm with respect to discipline and timelines. Follow these practices, and you’ll surely be able to manage the menace of screens well.


How to Aid in the Development of Language Skills of Your Child?

Apart from the day your child is born, one of the most satisfying days is the one when your child utters his/her first word. Doesn’t your heart melt, and you only feel like hugging the little one and planting a big fat kiss on his/her chubby cheek? Well, we understand that all parents wait for this day. However, do you know kids don’t start speaking unless parents also play their part? Yes, you, the parents, play a crucial role in developing the language skills of your kids. How?

Well, that’s what you are going to find out in this article today. Let us from Apple Blossom, one of the best playschools in Gurgaon, help you go through this exciting journey in a simple way. Hopefully, you’ll gather the necessary knowledge from these tips and use them to build the communication abilities of your little bundle of joy. Let’s move on, shall we?

Let’s Get Them Talking!

As said earlier, as parents, you play an important part in getting your kids to start talking. Thus, it is important that you remain calm and patient yet tactical enough while helping them attain this crucial skill. What do we mean by that? Let’s find out:

  • Sing To Them/Play Songs or Nursery Rhymes: Music truly can make a big difference. It’s not just about them listening to their favorite songs or you singing nursery rhymes for prolonged periods; it also has an impact on how well children communicate and learn. When children repeatedly hear the words used in the songs/rhymes, they try to pronounce them too. Now, the best part about children’s songs and rhymes is that the words used in them are very simple to pronounce. This makes it easy for the kids to grasp them and emulate them over time. This forms a solid basis for their basic vocal skills. So, keep those tunes on and encourage your kids to hum along with!
  • Talk To Them: Talking is essential for the two of you to develop a close bond. This not just makes them listen to you with intent, but in time, they’ll begin putting in efforts to speak to you as well. Thus, treating them as talkers is essential for their benefit. You can use many kinds of words and use them in different contexts. You can also teach them about the same type of objects, but with minute differences. For example, hold a green apple in one hand and a red one in the other. Then ask them which one they want. Ask them, “Which one do you want? The ‘red’ apple? Or the ‘green’ apple?” Ask this repeatedly, and they will finally understand the concept. This way, they will slowly learn to refine their skills, understand their meanings, and know how to use different words correctly. This will pave the way to building their basic intelligence around the use of vocab.
  • Read To Them:  Reading books to your child can help them develop and expand their vocabulary base. In fact, studies have revealed that those kids who are constantly read to till the age of 5 get exposed to around 1.4 million more words than those who don’t.

It has been seen that if a certain word is new to children and they find it many times in a book, it will help them learn the word and understand how it works in different contexts. There are other ways also, like using books with pictures. These provide the children with frames of reference and are very useful. For example, if there’s a picture of a boy drinking strawberry milk, you could say, “Look, he’s drinking strawberry milk! You like chocolate, right? Would you like to drink chocolate milk from tomorrow?” When you read to your child, turn the pages and point out words as you’re reading. This helps your child understand the link between spoken and written language and will help them learn about letters and sounds.

Parting Words…

At Apple Blossom, ranked as the best playschools in Gurgaon, we firmly believe that language skills in children form the basis for their communication skills later on. As such, it is very important that a strong framework of language abilities is laid right during the early childhood years. To that end, giving heed to the points mentioned above will surely help you play an active role in the development of language skills in your kids. We assure you that the steps taken in the right direction will surely bear rich fruit in no time. After all, language is an important aspect of an individual’s personality, and we are very much certain you wouldn’t want such an important area to go unnoticed.