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5 Ways to Strengthen the Parent-Child Connection


Discover 5 powerful ways to deepen your bond with your child and create a strong, loving relationship that lasts a lifetime. At Apple Blossom, we help parents accelerate their children's emotional and social development. Improve your parenting skills today and experience the joy of a close parent-child connection.

The biggest blessing for every parent and child alike is to feel connected with one another. Even though this seems like a cakewalk at first, there is more to it. As long as parents and children are agreeing to the same thoughts, the connection feels in place. However, the moment parents express a different line of thoughts, children find it difficult to accept these contradicting views, which in the end causes friction and creates a crack in their connection.

The good news however is that preventive action in this regard is possible. Today we would like to throw some light on this. Ways to strengthen the parent-child connection:

Clear communication:

When given a choice to accept between an order and an explanation-backed activitiy/task, it is common for most to choose the latter. Children are no exception! As parents, you need to understand that connection and communication are the two sides of the same coin. Efforts need to be made to understand children’s viewpoints and act in harmony with the same. After all, it is extremely difficult to amend broken connections later on. Why not take the effort in time?

Engaging in collective activities:

From what we, at Apple Blossom, have made out of children, it is clear that children love spending time in the company of their parents. One of the best ways of acting in this regard is introducing children to activities that parents and children can perform collectively. For instance, a quick grocery round can be completed by tagging children along, where they can be given a free hand to pick items as per direction. This would make children feel that their parents have faith in them, which in turn helps strengthen the parental-children connection.

Hearing children out:

One of the sure-shot ways of ensuring a strong parent-children connection is by taking out the time to be patient listeners. Children are full of information, most of which is derived from observations, experiences, and interactions.

Children are always on the lookout for a trusted outlet, with whom they can sit down and share their thoughts. Parents can tap on this opportunity and choose to spend some quality time in the company of their children and patiently hear them out. With this in place, strengthening the parent-child connection should not be difficult.

Laying trust:

We, at Apple Blossom, encourage parents to avoid distrusting their children because that could possibly weaken the connection they have with their children. Even when any doubt arises, it would help you to be upfront with your children and get the confusion cleared.

If you choose to act in this fashion, it is not long before your children start opening up with you, which would, in turn, work as the first step towards a strengthened parent-child connection.

Avoiding Comparisons:

Just how easily children get friendly, it is with that equal amount of ease that children go into their shell. One of the common reasons behind the same is parents knowingly or unknowingly comparing their children with other children of their age.

Here, it is important for parents to understand that every child is blessed with some special skill set that needs to be spotted and encouraged. This done right, the parent-child connection can never go wrong.


We, at Apple Blossom, one of the best preschools in Gurgaon, have bumped into many parents who are looking to work on the connection they share with their children and strengthen it further. If you are one such parent, a quick glimpse through the above points should help you to carve the way forward and free yourself from your worries and anxiousness.